Saturday, March 17, 2012

Do we live in a global world? Lets act like that

Hi class:

Today I’m going to write a more personal. We have heard thousands of times that we live in a global world. What does it mean? Sometimes I feel that the people in the US don’t go and see what it is happening around the world, how other people are dealing with their problems, and how they are trying to find a solution. I sometimes feel that here, globalization is showing how things are solved here, but without taking a feedback. Of course, this is my personal opinion and you are more than welcome to let me know if you agree or disagree with me. 
While looking for an article for this week’s blog, I find something that I liked related to cursive writing, if it is worth teaching it, and I was ready to tell you about the pros and cons on teaching cursive writing.

Then I found this website, it is called “e-learning Europe” ( and I found very useful articles and videos there, like this one:
Sticky Concepts on E-learning from UNU-ViE on Vimeo.
I think we should open our minds and explore how other people are solving or dealing with their education problems, maybe we have the same problems; maybe they have a good solution or a better approach. We are living in a global world, let’s take advantage. Enjoy the video!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Common Core State Standards: High School

Hi Class

I watched the video related to the implementation of the Common Core Standards at two High Schools in New York City. There are teachers explaining how they switched from the State Standards to the new Common Core Standards; how they attend to precision, and how they go deeper in fewer subjects. Also they try to be more oriented to help solve real world problems and to help students to be ready for college or for the working world. Also they are oriented to teach a subject in many ways, and to learn that there are many ways to solve a problem.

The Common Core Standards for mathematics and English are ready and they are being introduced in some schools. The assessments won’t be ready until 2014; that is an important missing part for the teachers because they don’t know yet how the students will be evaluated.

I am optimistic about the new Common Core Standards. For what I saw on the video, there are modifications in very important aspects of education like having less information but having deep information. I feel lucky to start my new career when the new standards are being introduce because it is difficult to change when you are already on your track.

Just to end, I loved the English teacher’s quote, when he explained the new Common Core Standards for High School English: They want students “to read like a detective and to write like an investigator reporter”. It can’t go wrong…

What do you think? 

Reference Common Core State Standards: High School